借助机器学习,NGINX App Protect WAF 可以在多个实例之间共享攻击趋势和数据,近乎实时地持续调整您的安全态势。
Yaniv Sazman
NGINX App Protect DoS 助力保护 gRPC 应用免遭严重的 DoS 攻击
gRPC 提供了开发人员设计和部署现代应用所需的速度和敏捷性,但其开放性使其极易遭受七层 DoS 攻击。NGINX App Protect DoS 能够保护您的 gRPC 应用免受这些致命攻击。
NGINX App Protect Denial of Service 阻止应用级 DoS 攻击
NGINX App Protect Denial of Service (DoS) protects your modern applications against sophisticated application-level (Layer 7) DoS attacks, including GET and POST flooding, Slowloris, Slow read, slow POST, Challenge Collapsar, NAT-disguised, and targeted SSL/TLS attacks.
借助 NGINX App Protect 保护 gRPC API
NGINX App Protect 通过检测消息请求头和有效载荷(包括所有嵌套和复杂数据结构)中的恶意数据来保护 gRPC API。您可以在 gRPC IDL 文件中定义安全策略,NGINX App Protect 会立即应用它们,而无需更改其配置。
借助 NGINX App Protect 实现 PCI DSS 合规性
Complying with the PCI DSS standard for protecting credit card transactions is one of the biggest challenges facing modern applications. NGINX App Protect secures your websites and apps against all PCI DSS vulnerabilities, the OWASP Top 10, and more.