了解 NGINX 如何帮助改善您的安全态势(即使是针对实验性功能),以及为什么我们决定宣布最近的两个 CVE 漏洞。
Nina Forsyth
Job title : 产品管理总监
Company : F5
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漏洞处置:HTTP/2 快速重置攻击对 F5 NGINX 的影响
在服务器端实施的 HTTP/2 规范可能引起拒绝服务攻击,立即升级您的 NGINX 配置以减缓攻击的影响程度。
借助 NGINX 和 NGINX Plus 实现用于远程学习的视频流媒体
During the COVID-19 pandemic, remote learning via video has become the new normal for many educational institutions. Here we show how to set up live video streaming using NGINX Open Source and NGINX Plus. Get step-by-step instructions in two embedded video demos.