NGINX Plus R14 is now available with enhanced JWT authentication and a downloadable preview of upcoming cluster support.
Liam Crilly
NGINX 和物联网:为 MQTT 添加协议感知
Liam Crilly gets down with IoT, showing how to use NGINX and the MQTT protocol to manage traffic on the Internet of Things
本文介绍了如何使用 NGINX Plus 作为安全防护技术栈(其中可能还包括防火墙、入侵检测和特权帐户管理)的一部分。
借助 NGINX Plus 和 fail2ban 实现动态 IP 拒绝列表
We implement dynamic IP address-based denylisting using the NGINX Plus key-value store and fail2ban, which monitors log files for suspicious activity
隆重推出 NGINX Plus R13
NGINX Plus R13, with more dynamic deployments, enhanced debugging, and improved security, is now available free to NGINX Plus subscribers
Enable seamless upgrades of NGINX and NGINX Plus with dynamic modules, by creating installable packages that handle dependencies for third-party modules
面向物联网的 NGINX Plus:对 MQTT 流量进行加密和身份验证
作为 TCP 负载均衡器,NGINX Plus 通过终止 TLS 连接和对 MQTT 应用客户端进行身份验证来提高物联网安全性。
面向物联网的 NGINX Plus:MQTT 负载均衡
作为 TCP 负载均衡器,NGINX Plus 可为物联网(IoT)中基于 MQTT 协议的应用提供高可用性和会话持久性。
通过 NGINX JavaScript 模块脱敏数据,有效保护用户隐私
使用 nginScript 屏蔽 NGINX 日志文件中的 IP 地址和 URI,以保护用户的个人信息并遵守隐私法规。
从失败的 NGINX Plus 升级中恢复:“模块 ‘M’ 版本 X 替代版本 Y”
How to recover when the error from an NGINX Plus upgrade is 'nginx: [emerg] module "MODULE_NAME" version X instead of Y in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:LINE"'