You can download a free copy of the complete ebook, The Enterprise Path to Service Mesh Architectures, immediately. This ebook explains service mesh architectures from an enterprise point of view and tells you how to adopt a service mesh architecture in your own microservices applications.
Floyd Smith
自 Macintosh 推出以来,Floyd Earl Smith 一直在参与应用开发,并撰写了 20 多本有关硬件和软件主题的书籍。他是 NGINX 博客的撰稿人之一,内容包括有关 NGINX 微服务参考架构(一种突破性的微服务框架)的多篇文章和线上讲座。
什么是服务网格(Service Mesh)?
A service mesh is a configurable infrastructure layer for microservices application that makes communication flexible, reliable, and fast. It’s implemented through a sidecar proxy for service discovery, load balancing, encryption, authentication and authorization, circuit breaker support, and more.
不容错过:10 月 8-11 日 NGINX Conf 2018 大会将在亚特兰大举办
NGINX Conf 2018 opens Monday, October 8 with a training day. The main conference is Tuesday, October 9 and Wednesday, October 10.
2017 年 NGINX 博客文章前 5 名 – NGINX Plus R12、微服务等等
Top 5 2017 blog posts: NGINX Plus Release 12, microservices, load balancing, security, and the NGINX Application Platform.
nginx.conf 2017 大会:演讲嘉宾和会期已准备就绪!
The NGINX conference is announcing its lineup and a discount! Discover best practices and techniques in application development and delivery.
微服务的安全防护的实践 – 开发与运维
Owen Garrett, NGINX Head of Product, is interviewed in the TechTarget Microservices channel on secure application development and deployment.
《微服务参考架构(MRA)》——来自 NGINX 的免费电子书
Download the latest ebook from NGINX, "Microservices Reference Architecture", to learn how to design and deploy microservices applications.
NGINX 前 10 名博客文章
Find out what fellow users of NGINX and NGINX Plus find most interesting about our products, in this round-up of our all-time Top 10 blog posts.
监测 NGINX 和 NGINX Plus:NGINX 博客集锦
Get caught up on the great info on our blog about how to monitor NGINX and NGINX Plus: the built-in NGINX Plus dashboard, partner APM tools & NGINX Amplify
迁移至 NGINX Plus:NGINX 博客集锦
From the Gartner Magic Quadrant to adding many new enterprise clients, it's been a big year for NGINX Plus.