NGINX Unit 1.23.0 and 1.24.0 introduce support for the SNI extension to TLS, definition of OpenSSL configuration commands, MIME filtering and path restrictions for static content, and multiple Python scripts in one app. Also, you no longer need to modify Node.js apps to run them in Unit.
Artem Konev
NGINX Unit 中的文件系统隔离
我们探索了 NGINX Unit 中文件系统隔离的两个用例。第一个用例将受感染的应用限制在其沙盒目录中,阻止攻击者获取敏感信息。第二个用例我们通过分别在不同的文件系统中定义全局依赖项,以在它们之间进行切换。
使用 NGINX Unit 构建应用堆栈
我们展示了如何使用 NGINX Unit 构建应用堆栈,从而使用定制的语言运行时版本以及特定的库、模块和扩展来实现生产环境的自动化部署。示例应用为部署在 Docker 容器中的 WordPress。
NGINX Unit 2020 年秋季更新
Since our last update, the NGINX Unit team has released three versions, 1.19.0 through 1.21.0. New features include support for ASGI with Python, multi-threading with several languages (Java, Perl, Python, Ruby), regular expressions in routing conditions, and more.
隆重推出 NGINX Unit 1.18.0——新增文件系统隔离和其他增强功能
NGINX Unit 1.18.0 introduces filesystem isolation, the 'target' option to reduce redundancy in PHP app configuration, and URL encoding. It also includes features introduced in NGINX Unit 1.17.0: redirects, and fractional server weights for traffic distribution in upstream groups.
NGINX Unit 1.16.0 推出耳熟能详的全新功能
NGINX Unit 1.16.0 introduces two new features that are already familiar to NGINX users. First, it can load balance across a group of upstream servers using the round-robin method. Second, you can define what happens when a requested file can't be served, similar to the NGINX 'try_files' directive.
NGINX Unit 现已支持汇编语言
Assembly language is popular in all kinds of system software and we believe that web development can also benefit from the advantages it provides. Today we're pleased to add support for assembly language to NGINX Unit. Web development in assembly has never been so easy.
隆重推出 NGINX Unit 1.13.0 版本 和 1.14.0 版本——新增反向代理和基于地址的路由功能
NGINX Unit 1.13.0 introduces reverse proxying, and version 1.14.0 adds address-based routing to the internal routing and file-serving functionality from previous releases. We combine the new features in a complete configuration example for IP address filtering and access management.
使用 NGINX Unit 实施应用隔离
NGINX Unit 中的应用隔离让您可以控制哪些类型的系统资源可以和 NGINX Unit 共享,哪些可以彼此共享,并在隔离的环境中运行应用以提高安全性。阅读本文获取有关应用隔离如何工作的所有细节,以及它对 NGINX Unit 的未来意味着什么。
隆重推出 NGINX Unit 1.11.0 版本——新增静态文件服务功能
NGINX Unit 1.11.0 introduces support for static file serving, a much requested feature ever since NGINX Unit debuted. It also includes application (process) isolation using Linux namespaces and a WebSocket server implementation for Java Servlet Containers. NGINX Unit 1.12.0 adds support for PHP 7.4.
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