Learn about the enhanced features in NGINX Plus Release 7, with support for HTTP/2, performance and security enhancements, greater visibility, and more.
借助 NGINX Plus 实现动态重新配置
This blog post discusses advanced features in NGINX Plus to modify configuration dynamically using DNS and an HTTP-based API.
借助 Ansible 安装 NGINX 和 NGINX Plus
Learn how to use Ansible to automate your deployment of the open source NGINX software and NGINX Plus across multiple hosts at once.
隆重宣布 HTTP/2 的早期 Alpha 补丁已发布
This blog post provides an overview of an early alpha patch to enable HTTP/2 support in NGINX. Installation instructions are also provided.
借助新的调试功能探测 NGINX 内部构件
Learn how to use GDB to probe NGINX internals – you can write the debug log in memory and dump the active NGINX configuration
Has your site just been picked up by a popular news outlet? Suddenly you need to think about performance! Get some basic tips and learn how NGINX Plus can help
Learn the pros and cons of the different technologies you can choose for inter-process communication in your microservices-based application
应用和网站的性能关系着成败, 优化缓存是提升性能的基本方法之一。了解有关 NGINX 和 NGINX Plus 缓存的所有信息。
隆重推出 O'Reilly 新电子书:《NGINX:高性能实操指南》
We are proud to announce that NGINX is officially joining the elite ranks with the release of O’Reilly’s NGINX: A Practical Guide to High Performance.
保护 NGINX 免受 2015 年 6 月的 OpenSSL 漏洞的攻击(CVE-2015-1793)
Learn how to protect NGINX against the OpenSSL vulnerability announced in June 2015 (CVE-2015-1793)