Learn how to build a microservices-based frontend web application that integrates seamlessly with your microservices backend.
借助 etcd 实现 NGINX Plus 服务发现
Learn how to automate reconfiguration of NGINX Plus upstream server groups using etcd for service discovery, with a demo implementation provided on GitHub
Using Free SSL/TLS Certificates from Let's Encrypt with NGINX
Learn how to integrate the free SSL/TLS certificates from Let's Encrypt into your NGINX and NGINX Plus environment, and renew them automatically.
借助 NGINX 最大限度地提高 Drupal 8 的性能,第 2 部分:缓存和负载均衡
This is the second half of our webinar, showing how to use caching and load balancing with NGINX and Drupal 8 application for maximum performance.
借助 NGINX Plus 实现高级 MySQL 负载均衡
Explore advanced MySQL load balancing with NGINX Plus and NGINX, including effective health checks of the database server and split reads and writes
借助 NGINX 最大限度地提高 Drupal 8 的性能,第 1 部分:架构和配置
This is the first half of our webinar, showing how to deploy and configure NGINX and Drupal 8 application for maximum performance.
Explore the advantages and drawbacks of deploying microservices server instances on physical hosts or VMs, in containers, or statelessly.
Introducing Dynamic Modules in NGINX 1.9.11
NGINX version 1.9.11 introduces dynamic modules, separate shared object files that can optionally be loaded at runtime.
借助这本免费的 O'Reilly 电子书让您的容器生产准备就绪
Learn about Docker networking & service discovery as well as how NGINX Plus helps in this exclusive O’Reilly ebook by Michael Hausenblas
NGINX 和 NGINX Plus 的未来
The future of open source NGINX and NGINX Plus includes nginScript, dynamic modules, and NGINX Amplify.