This post is from a webinar by Floyd Smith and Michael Hausenblas. It's focused on NGINX, containers, and immutable infrastructure.
借助 NGINX 和 NGINX Plus 通过 DNS 实现服务发现
Explore five methods for service discovery in NGINX and NGINX Plus that use DNS records, including SRV records in NGINX Plus R9.
将您的应用与 Docker 和 NGINX 连接,第 1 部分:NGINX 和微服务
This post about NGINX and microservices is from a recent webinar by Michael Hausenblas of Mesosphere. It's the first of two parts.
NGINX Plus vs. F5 BIG‑IP: A Price‑Performance Comparison
Our testing shows that the performance of NGINX Plus on commodity hardware equals or exceeds F5 BIG‑IP appliances (ADCs), at up to 85% cost savings.
借助 Consul 的 DNS SRV 记录实现 NGINX Plus 的服务发现
Automate reconfiguration of NGINX Plus upstream server groups with service discovery using DNS SRV records from Consul DNS. A demo is provided on GitHub.
借助 NGINX 最大限度地提高 Python 性能,第 2 部分:负载均衡和监测
Maximize the performance of Python in multiserver deployments with advanced load balancing, application health checks, and live activity monitoring.
克服 NGINX 和 NGINX Plus 中的临时端口耗尽问题
Get tips on preventing ephemeral port exhaustion with Linux kernel tweaks, keepalive connections, and dynamically bound connections to local IP addresses.
NGINX 微服务参考架构(MRA)简介
The NGINX Microservices Reference Architecture includes three models for development – the Proxy Model, the Router Mesh Model, and the Fabric Model.
借助 NGINX Amplify 监测 Docker 容器中的微服务
Learn how to deploy NGINX Amplify in Docker containers to monitor NGINX instances in a microservices-based deployment.
借助 NGINX 和 NGINX Plus 实现 DNS 流量的负载均衡
Explore a prime use case for UDP load balancing with NGINX and NGINX Plus – DNS load balancing – with focus on microservices and tuning for scale and HA