Does your API respond to requests within 30ms? If not, it's not a real-time API with the kind of low latency that the vast majority of organizations demand. Measure your API's latency with the rtapi tool from NGINX, and find out how NGINX can help your API achieve real-time responsiveness.
只需一个 POST:通过 F5 解决方案和 NGINX JavaScript 模块启用声明式 DNS
在此解决方案中,我们借助 NGINX Plus 的主动健康检查和键值存储来跟踪和存储跨多个站点的应用状态,并借助 NGINX JavaScript 根据状态更新由 BIG-IP DNS 和 DNS 负载均衡器云服务维护的 DNS 记录信息。
借助 Tala Security 推出的 NGINX Plus 认证模块重新定义客户端安全防护
The Tala Security Certified Module for NGINX Plus leverages 150+ browser‑native controls to protect websites and apps from critical and growing threats -- such as XSS, Magecart, website supply‑chain attacks, and clickjacking -- without changes to application or client-side code.
隆重推出 NGINX Controller 3.0:借助应用为中心的应用交付加速上市时间
NGINX Controller 3.0 is a complete platform upgrade that introduces application-centric management of your NGINX Plus-based infrastructure. It includes a self‑service portal for RBAC-based collaboration, a DevOps-optimized API, and a built-in certificate manager.
隆重推出 NGINX Unit 1.13.0 版本 和 1.14.0 版本——新增反向代理和基于地址的路由功能
NGINX Unit 1.13.0 introduces reverse proxying, and version 1.14.0 adds address-based routing to the internal routing and file-serving functionality from previous releases. We combine the new features in a complete configuration example for IP address filtering and access management.
隆重推出用于 Kubernetes 的 NGINX Ingress Controller 1.6.0 版本
Release 1.6.0 of the NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes includes improvements to NGINX Ingress Resources, support for OpenTracing, and much more.
NGINX Plus 客户成功案例:mobilcom debotel 借助 Apigee Rip-and-Replace 实现 60% 的成本下降与性能增强
In his session at NGINX Conf 2019, Felix Colaci of mobilcom-debitel shares how his team replaced Apigee with NGINX Plus as their API gateway. NGINX Plus reduced costs by 60% and improved reliability and performance. It fits perfectly into mobilcom-debitels CI/CD pipeline, enabling software update in minutes.
隆重推出 NGINX Plus R20
NGINX Plus R20 builds on the enhancements made in R19 to rate limiting, adding real-time monitoring and logging; connection limiting now has the same features. We also added prefix matching in the key-value store, DNS resolution per upstream group, new PROXY Protocol variables, and improved security for HTTP/2.
借助 NGINX 实现 AI 驱动的 API 流量洞察
PingIdentity provides an NGINX integration with its AI-driven solution for API security, PingIntelligence for APIs. The solution uses API metadata collected by NGINX to determine whether API clients are granted access. PingIntelligence for APIs also provides dashboards, reports, and anomaly detection.
使用 NGINX Unit 实施应用隔离
NGINX Unit 中的应用隔离让您可以控制哪些类型的系统资源可以和 NGINX Unit 共享,哪些可以彼此共享,并在隔离的环境中运行应用以提高安全性。阅读本文获取有关应用隔离如何工作的所有细节,以及它对 NGINX Unit 的未来意味着什么。