此文为《将 NGINX 部署为 API 网关》系列博文的第三部分,主要关注于如何将 NGINX Plus 部署为 gRPC 服务的 API 网关,并介绍了其他相关的丰富功能。gRPC 是 REST API 的替代方案,尤其适用于建构以服务网格的形式实现的分布式应用。
将 NGINX 部署为 API 网关,第 2 部分:保护后端服务
在我们的 API 网关系列的第二篇文章中,Liam 向您展示了如何针对您的 API 服务可能出现的问题未雨绸缪并做好准备。您可以使用速率限制、访问限制、请求大小限制和请求正文验证来阻止非法或过于繁重的请求。缓冲区溢出
将 NGINX 部署为 API 网关,第 1 部分
NGINX 和 NGINX Plus 先进的 HTTP 处理能力,使其成为构建 API 网关的理想平台。我们将在本文介绍 API 用例,展示如何配置 NGINX 以高效、可扩展且易于维护的方式处理它们,并提供完整的 NGINX 配置。
Automation is essential to delivering modern digital experiences. We've created four video demos showing how to automate deployment of NGINX Plus and NGINX App Protect, NGINX Controller, an NGINX Plus data plane using Controller, and GSLB using F5 DNS Cloud Services.
NGINX 和 HAProxy:基于公有云标准环境的用户体验测试对比
我们比较了 HAProxy 和 NGINX 的反向代理性能。在请求率大到让 HAProxy 达到 100% 的 CPU 利用率前,两者的性能是相近的。但当 CPU 利用率达到 100% 时,HAProxy 的性能会出现显著下降,而 NGINX 则继续保持其性能,且几乎没有延迟。
NGINX Unit 2020 年秋季更新
Since our last update, the NGINX Unit team has released three versions, 1.19.0 through 1.21.0. New features include support for ASGI with Python, multi-threading with several languages (Java, Perl, Python, Ruby), regular expressions in routing conditions, and more.
隆重推出用于应用交付的 NGINX Controller App Security Add-On 模块
We introduce the NGINX Controller App Security add-on for Controller Application Delivery, which provides an app-centric, self-service way for app teams to enable WAF protection for their apps, while security teams can still define policies and monitor apps for compliance.
隆重推出 NGINX Plus R23
NGINX Plus R23 introduces new features including health checks for backend gRPC servers, unprivileged installation, support for the OpenID Connect PKCE extension, finer-grained control over TLS connections, a new method of setting cookie flags, and NGINX JavaScript enhancements.
隆重宣布推出用于 Ansible 的 NGINX Core Collection
Announcing the NGINX Core collection on Ansible, with three roles to help you automate installation and configuration of NGINX Open Source, NGINX Plus, and NGINX App Protect. The collection is available in both community and supported versions.
使用 NGINX JavaScript 模块进行诊断日志记录
我们展示了如何使用 NGINX JavaScript 模块捕获有关导致错误的请求的数据,并提供了足够的详细信息用于调试和故障排除,同时不让日志中充斥着有关未发生错误的请求信息。