本文介绍了 NGINX App Protect Denial of Service (DoS) 如何通过实时调整缓解方法来抵御七层 DoS 攻击。通过创建一个包含正常用户行为和服务器健康状况的模型,NAP 可以通过模型的异常偏差发现攻击行为,并应用自定义的缓解特征库。
NGINX App Protect Denial of Service 阻止应用级 DoS 攻击
NGINX App Protect Denial of Service (DoS) protects your modern applications against sophisticated application-level (Layer 7) DoS attacks, including GET and POST flooding, Slowloris, Slow read, slow POST, Challenge Collapsar, NAT-disguised, and targeted SSL/TLS attacks.
使用 NGINX Instance Manager 大规模更新配置和管理证书
NGINX Instance Manager 1.0 版推出了两个新功能。一是通过标记 NGINX 实例和用户角色,您可将 NGINX 配置一次性应用于整个组中。二是证书扫描功能支持您检测即将到期的证书并及时更换,以确保不间断的服务。
更轻松地部署和升级 NGINX Service Mesh
NGINX Service Mesh 1.1.0 版引入了三个关键增强功能,有助于在 Kubernetes 中更轻松地部署并管理我们的生产就绪型服务网格:Helm 支持、物理隔离安装及就地升级。
如何简化 Kubernetes 出入向流量管理
如果服务网格和 Ingress Controller 必须分开配置,这会使 Kubernetes 的环境更加复杂。在这个演示和博客中,我们展示了如何集成 NGINX Plus Ingress Controller 和 NGINX Service Mesh 来控制入口和出口 mTLS 流量。
NGINX Plus 和 Microsoft Azure 负载均衡器
To load balance applications in Microsoft Azure, you can choose NGINX Plus, Azure Load Balancer, or Azure Application Gateway. Explore their different sets of supported features, and learn how combining NGINX Plus with the Azure offerings gives you the best of both worlds.
立即升级 NGINX 以应对 DNS 解析程序漏洞(CVE-2021-23017)
We have released updates to NGINX Open Source, NGINX Plus, and NGINX Ingress Controller to fix a vulnerability in DNS resolution (CVE-2021-23017). We consider the vulnerability to be low-severity, but encourage users to upgrade to the latest versions.
如何借助 NGINX Service Mesh 实现安全访问控制
If services in a Kubernetes environment exchange sensitive data, it's important to control communication among them. With NGINX Service Mesh, it takes less than 10 minutes to set up fine‑grained control. Watch the video demo and check out our step-by-step tutorial.
如何借助 NGINX Service Mesh 实现流量分割
Traffic splitting is a valuable tool for app development, reducing the risk of outages during app upgrades. With NGINX Service Mesh, it takes less than 10 minutes to implement blue-green and canary deployments. Watch the video demo and check out our step-by-step tutorials.
如何使用 NGINX Service Mesh 实现速率限制
大量的请求会让你的 Kubernetes service 吃不消。观看视频演示并配合阅读本文,了解如何使用 NGINX Service Mesh,在只需不到 10 分钟的时间即可定义速率限制策略,从而限制每个客户端只能发送合理数量的请求。