NGINX 是现代应用的性能基础

Our goal at NGINX has always been to provide the foundation our customers and community need to deliver modern apps. Based on Abraham Maslow's famous hierarchy of needs for humans, here we show how NGINX offerings satisfy an app's hierarchy of needs at multiple levels.

借助 NGINX App Protect 保护 gRPC API

NGINX App Protect 通过检测消息请求头和有效载荷(包括所有嵌套和复杂数据结构)中的恶意数据来保护 gRPC API。您可以在 gRPC IDL 文件中定义安全策略,NGINX App Protect 会立即应用它们,而无需更改其配置。

借助 Beacon 实现 NGINX 的可观测性

With the F5 Beacon integrations for NGINX Plus and NGINX Open Source, you understand the entire application experience from end to end. Our SaaS offering ingests and displays telemetry data, and can perform synthetic health checks for added context and visibility.