针对七层应用逻辑的现代 DoS 攻击通常会被隐藏在加密渠道中,因此这些攻击很难被检测到。NGINX App Protect Denial of Service 可测量客户端行为以及服务器压力,从而可以检测并缓解七层 DoS 攻击。
隆重推出 NGINX App Protect:面向 NGINX Plus 的 F5 高级应用安全性
有了 NGINX App Protect,您不再需要在安全性和性能之间做选择。NGINX App Protect 将 F5 先进 WAF 技术已经验证的高效与 NGINX Plus 的敏捷性和性能相结合,从而解决现代 DevOps 环境面临的安全挑战。
NGINX Controller App Security 助力改善威胁可视性和分析
用于应用交付的 NGINX Controller 应用安全防护提供威胁可见性和具有可操作性的分析,使 SecOps 能够预防潜在威胁、及时响应并减少误报,从而改善应用安全状况。
借助 NGINX 现代应用防护安全地解放 DevOps
Despite the emergence of DevSecOps, security teams still seem to lag behind the pace of DevOps. Platform Ops can be the solution, where security teams provide self‑service, consumable policies to development teams. Find out how the NGINX suite of security products can help.
NGINX 宣布赞助 OWASP ModSecurity CRS 项目
NGINX, a part of F5, Inc., is pleased to announce that we have become the first Gold sponsor of the OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS) project. We look forward to working with the CRS team and helping ensure the CRS project’s long-term success.
隆重推出用于应用交付的 NGINX Controller App Security Add-On 模块
We introduce the NGINX Controller App Security add-on for Controller Application Delivery, which provides an app-centric, self-service way for app teams to enable WAF protection for their apps, while security teams can still define policies and monitor apps for compliance.
在 Kubernetes 中部署应用交付服务(第 2 部分)
在这篇文章中,我们以 WAF 为例,为您提供了“在 Kubernetes 环境中可以在哪些地方部署应用服务”的相关指导。您可以根据自己的需求,以基于每个 Service 或基于每个 POD 的方式,将 WAF 部署在 Kubernetes 环境的“前门” 或 Ingress Controller上。
开源软件漏洞的不断激增,急需现代 WAF 来防护
The overall solution to security can be complicated, but the most important piece of the puzzle is a web application firewall (WAF).
NGINX 认证 Signal Sciences 动态模块——保护应用、API 和微服务的新一代 WAF
The Signal Sciences Certified Module for NGINX Plus brings additional modern web and API security to the NGINX Plus platform. The combined solution helps enterprises replace outdated legacy WAF and load-balancing appliances, such as the F5 Advanced WAF and F5 BIG-IP.
借助 NGINX 和信号科学保护微服务和 API
Signal Sciences helps secure APIs, and individual services in a microservices architecture, running over HTTP/HTTPS on NGINX