Application security is hard, but there are some best practices to help you achieve it: automate as much as possible, build security as a guardrail instead of a gate, select solutions that provide easily understood insights, and make security adaptable, scalable, and reliable.
借助 F5 Essential App Protect 在 5 分钟内为 NGINX 设置应用安全防护即服务
F5 Essential App Protect is a simple, pay-as-you-go, SaaS-based security service for securing apps proxied by NGINX and NGINX Plus. Based on F5’s 20+ years of app security expertise, it's a DevOps-ready service that protects against the security threats faced by modern apps.
借助 NGINX Plus 实现 FIPS 合规性
We explain how to run NGINX Plus in compliance with the FIPS 140-2 Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules standard, which specifies the cryptographic protocols that are accepted by the U.S. Federal government and many other organizations.
将 NGINX 或 NGINX Plus 与 Fortanix Self-Defending KMS 集成
With the Fortanix Self-Defending Key Management Service, you can offload TLS crytographic processing from your NGINX and NGINX Plus servers, and safely store your TLS keys for on-demand uploading into the NGINX Plus key-value store. We provide complete instructions for both use cases.
保护实时 API 的重要性
A combination of factors makes APIs rich targets for security attacks. We discuss methods for securing APIs throughout their lifecycle, from design and development through delivery, using WAFs, bot protection, API management tools, and API gateways.
使用 NGINX App Protect 实现敏捷边界防护
围绕您的内网建立安全边界已不足以保护您的应用。本文展示了如何根据当今的分布式应用和零信任安全模式的要求来配置 NGINX App Protect 以在各个应用周围建立边界。
使用 NGINX Plus 键值存储保护来自 HashiCorp Vault 的临时 SSL 密钥
在高安全性环境中,将 SSL 证书密钥这类敏感数据存放在键值存储中而不是磁盘上对创建安全的环境十分重要。本文将展示如何使用 HashiCorp Vault 生成临时 SSL 密钥,并将它们存储在内存里的 NGINX Plus 键值存储中。
NGINX 版本更新:修复了 2019 年 8 月发现的 HTTP/2 漏洞
We have released updates to NGINX Open Source and NGINX Plus to fix vulnerabilities in the HTTP/2 protocol that were announced today (CVE-2019-9511, CVE-2019-9513, and CVE-2019-9516). Upgrade as soon as possible to NGINX 1.17.3, NGINX 1.16.1, or NGINX Plus R18 P1.
NGINX 快问快答 | 2019 年 4 月
In this installment of our "Ask NGINX" series, we discuss how NGINX and NGINX Plus work with Diffie-Hellman, support for Datagram Transport Layer Security, how to control the lifetime of content in the cache, and how to add the NGINX WAF to an NGINX Plus subscription.
使用 HashiCorp Vault 保护 NGINX 中的 SSL 私钥
保护 SSL 私钥系列的第二篇介绍了如何设置 HashiCorp Vault 来存储保护 SSL 密钥,以及如何配置 NGINX 来检索密码。我们还讨论了使用硬件安全模块来实现更高的安全性。