NGINX Unit 1.13.0 introduces reverse proxying, and version 1.14.0 adds address-based routing to the internal routing and file-serving functionality from previous releases. We combine the new features in a complete configuration example for IP address filtering and access management.
隆重推出 NGINX Unit 1.10.0 版本
NGINX Unit 1.9.0 and 1.10.0 introduce request routing based on matching arguments, headers, cookies, and scheme; appending elements to arrays; a built‑in WebSocket server for Node.js; and new guides for Catalyst, NextCloud, Redmine, Docker, and language modules.
隆重推出 NGINX Unit 1.8.0:添加了内部路由功能
NGINX Unit 1.8.0 introduces internal routing of requests based on host, URL, and HTTP method, This sets the framework for full Layer 7 request processing, necessary for further development of Unit's web server functionality.
正式推出“NGINX 百问百答”栏目
In this inaugural post in our "Ask NGINX" series, we explain how to convert F5 BIG-IP iRules and Apache rewrite rules to NGINX syntax, use NGINX as an API gateway and NGINX Controller for full API lifecycle management, and implement blue-green deployment with NGINX.
借助 NGINX Plus 实现反向代理
回顾“反向代理”的基本概念,并了解如何将 NGINX Plus 部署为 HTTP 反向代理,以及这样做的好处。