在 Kubernetes 中,Ingress 控制器是进行集中式身份验证和授权的理想位置。我们展示了如何使用 NGINX Ingress Controller 作为中继方运行实现单点登录,利用 Okta(作为预配置身份提供商)为 OIDC 授权代码流提供支持。
隆重推出 NGINX Plus R22
NGINX Plus R22 introduces new features including support for OCSP to verify certificate revocation for mutual TLS, use of multiple OIDC IdPs in a configuration, real-time tracking of request and connection limiting on the NGINX Plus dashboard, and NGINX JavaScript enhancements.
配合使用用于 Kubernetes 的 NGINX Plus Ingress Controller 和来自 Azure AD 的 OpenID Connect 身份验证
In this blog we show how to use NGINX Plus for OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication of applications behind the Ingress in a Kubernetes environment. We provide instructions for all components: Azure as the identity provider, Kubernetes, Docker, NGINX Plus, and a sample application.
NGINX 百问百答 | 2019 年 5 月
In this installment of our "Ask NGINX" series, we discuss UDP health checks, having NGINX Plus verify JWTs generated with Microsoft Active Directory, performing client certificate-based authentication for IIS servers, and obtaining metrics for website visits or page views.
隆重推出 NGINX Plus R18
NGINX Plus R18 introduces dynamic loading of SSL/TLS certificates, enhances our OpenID Connect reference implementation, and supports port ranges for virtual servers. It also includes enhancements to the key-value store, health checks, NGINX Plus clustering, and the NGINX JavaScript module.
隆重推出 NGINX Plus R17
NGINX Plus R17 introduces support for two-stage rate limiting and TLS 1.3, the latest version of the Transport Layer Security protocol. Configuration of OpenID Connect is simpler and NGINX WAF is 2x faster than before. The NGINX JavaScript module has also been updated.
隆重推出 NGINX Plus R15
NGINX Plus R15 introduces native gRPC proxying (used by Istio and other service mesh architectures), HTTP/2 server push, state sharing in a cluster, API gateway enhancements, OpenID Connect integration, NGINX JavaScript (njs) module enhancements, a new ALPN variable, dynamic module updates, and more.
借助 OpenID Connect 和 NGINX Plus 对应用的现存用户进行身份验证
NGINX Plus R10 adds support for the JSON Web Token (JWT) standard. Learn how to use JWTs and OpenID Connect to control access to your applications.