在 Kubernetes 中,Ingress 控制器是进行集中式身份验证和授权的理想位置。我们展示了如何使用 NGINX Ingress Controller 作为中继方运行实现单点登录,利用 Okta(作为预配置身份提供商)为 OIDC 授权代码流提供支持。
借助 NGINX 和 NGINX Plus 进行 OAuth 2.0 访问令牌验证
NGINX and NGINX Plus can act as an OAuth 2.0 Relying Party, sending access tokens to the Idenity Provider for validation and only proxying requests that pass the validation process.
借助 OpenID Connect 和 NGINX Plus 对应用的现存用户进行身份验证
NGINX Plus R10 adds support for the JSON Web Token (JWT) standard. Learn how to use JWTs and OpenID Connect to control access to your applications.
隆重宣布 NGINX Plus R8 中添加了 OAuth 技术预览
The OAuth Technology Preview introduced in NGINX Plus Release 8 has been replaced in Release 10 by support for the JSON Web Token (JWT) standard.