The most substantial set to date of updates to the NGINX Application Platform further simplify application infrastructures by consolidating application delivery, API management, and service mesh management into a single solution.
借助 NGINX Plus 保护 Microsoft Azure 应用服务中的应用
With NGINX Plus in front of your web apps, API, and mobile backends hosted in Microsoft Azure App Service, you can load balance and secure applications at a global scale with a high level of protection against exploits and attacks from the web.
NGINX 应用平台已更新
Many companies want to move to microservices, but are held back by unnecessary complexity. In this blog we discuss our vision for reducing complexity and building microservices with the NGINX Application Platform.
2017 年 NGINX 博客文章前 5 名 – NGINX Plus R12、微服务等等
Top 5 2017 blog posts: NGINX Plus Release 12, microservices, load balancing, security, and the NGINX Application Platform.
了解如何通过缓存、SSL/TLS 和硬件设置等方面对 NGINX 进行调优,以满足并超越已发布的性能基准。
隆重推出 NGINX Plus R14
NGINX Plus R14 is now available with enhanced JWT authentication and a downloadable preview of upcoming cluster support.
AWS re:Invent 2017 的 7 大要点
NGINX CMO Rob Whiteley discovers container wars, multi-cloud, serverless, AI/ML, IoT, and a new focus on the enterprise at AWS re:Invent 2017.
NGINX 和物联网:为 MQTT 添加协议感知
Liam Crilly gets down with IoT, showing how to use NGINX and the MQTT protocol to manage traffic on the Internet of Things
妙用 NGINX Plus 和 Docker 健康检查
How you can use the active health checks in NGINX Plus when you need to worry about system resources, when you’re running in containers
本文介绍了如何使用 NGINX Plus 作为安全防护技术栈(其中可能还包括防火墙、入侵检测和特权帐户管理)的一部分。