Get caught up on the great info on our blog about how to monitor NGINX and NGINX Plus: the built-in NGINX Plus dashboard, partner APM tools & NGINX Amplify
Ways to sharply reduce security risks include: keeping your software up to date, using NGINX Amplify, and switching to NGINX Plus.
借助 NGINX Amplify 自定义仪表板和筛选器实现更好的 NGINX 监测
Learn how custom dashboards and filters in NGINX Amplify help you improve NGINX performance by focusing on the metrics that matter most in your deployment
借助 NGINX Amplify 的统计报告来改进服务器配置
Use the report from NGINX Amplify's static analysis of your configuration files to fix insecure or inefficient configuration as you monitor NGINX.
Owen Garrett 在 NGINX Conf 2016 的主旨演讲:NGINX 的过去、现在和未来
Owen Garrett's nginx.conf 2016 keynote describes new load balancing features of NGINX & the future roadmap such as nginScript, NGINX Amplify, WAF, & more
借助 NGINX Amplify 监测 NGINX 以提高应用性能和可靠性
NGINX Amplify is the new monitoring and management tool for open source NGINX and NGINX Plus servers. The first half of the webinar describes its features.
NGINX 产品的 GPG 密钥已更新
The current GPG key for NGINX, Inc. products expires on August 17, 2016. Learn how to update the key so you can continue to verify software signatures.
在 10 分钟内设置 NGINX Amplify
Learn how to set up NGINX Amplify to monitor NGINX and application performance, with customized dashboards, alerts, and configuration analysis.
隆重宣布 NGINX Amplify 公测版已发行
Sign up for the public beta of NGINX Amplify today and start monitoring NGINX and NGINX Plus for better application performance monitoring and delivery.
在 NGINX Amplify 中引入自定义仪表板
With new custom dashboards in NGINX Amplify, you can define the source, type of aggregation, and filter to apply, to monitor NGINX even more effectively.