NGINX Plus 现已原生支持 MQTT 协议。本文讨论了如何通过添加 MQTT 到您的配置中来简化可扩展性并降低计算成本等问题。
NGINX 百问百答 | 2019 年 3 月
In this installment of our "Ask NGINX" series, we describe how NGINX and NGINX Plus support Nagios, single sign-on, and MQTT; discuss storing cookies in the NGINX Plus key-value store; and explain how to upgrade NGINX Plus licenses from a free trial to a paid subscription.
NGINX 和物联网:为 MQTT 添加协议感知
Liam Crilly gets down with IoT, showing how to use NGINX and the MQTT protocol to manage traffic on the Internet of Things
面向物联网的 NGINX Plus:对 MQTT 流量进行加密和身份验证
作为 TCP 负载均衡器,NGINX Plus 通过终止 TLS 连接和对 MQTT 应用客户端进行身份验证来提高物联网安全性。
面向物联网的 NGINX Plus:MQTT 负载均衡
作为 TCP 负载均衡器,NGINX Plus 可为物联网(IoT)中基于 MQTT 协议的应用提供高可用性和会话持久性。