云原生之旅不是一蹴而就的。了解 Kubernetes 和 NGINX 如何助力您从单体应用迁移到基于微服务的应用。
nginx.conf 2016:Gus Robertson 和 Igor Sysoev 的主题演讲
Gus Robertson, NGINX: "The world is changing and I think we all know that, but I believe the world is changing quicker than we all anticipated."
Migrating your monolithic application to microservices can be accomplished gradually, with clear benefits at each step.
Explore the advantages and drawbacks of deploying microservices server instances on physical hosts or VMs, in containers, or statelessly.
完美的应用交付 — NGINX 实现数字化未来的愿景
NGINX CEO Gus Robertson describes his vision for the future of application delivery, with microservices, continuous delivery, and DevOps, powered by NGINX.
Microservices are currently getting a lot of attention. This blog post is the first in a 7-part series about designing, building, & deploying microservices.
The use of a four tier application architecture and microservices is critical as As mobile engagement becomes increasingly more popular for web performance