有两种类型的可视化数据可以提供关于应用和 Kubernetes 性能的关键洞察。阅读本文了解 NGINX Ingress Controller 和 NGINX Service Mesh 内置的监控工具如何帮助您在诊断现实问题时提高可视性。
欢迎来到 Mircroservice March 微服务之月!
Microservices March is a month-long virtual festival of microservices activities here at NGINX. Whether you’re already using Kubernetes in production or your interest is just blossoming, you’re sure to find sessions to pique your interest. Check out the schedule on our blog!
生产级 Kubernetes 助您降低复杂性
我们解释了生产级 Kubernetes 如何解决部署基于容器化微服务的应用程序的挑战,包括文化、复杂性和安全性。 除了 Kubernetes 基础设施之外,您还需要一个可扩展的 Ingress 控制器、WAF 和服务网格。
借助 OpenID Connect 和 NGINX Ingress Controller 实现简单而强大的单点登录
NGINX Ingress Controller 现在支持使用 OpenID Connect (OIDC) 单点登录。版本 1.10.0 还引入了额外的配置队列指标、日志注释、改进的注释和 secret 验证、支持 NGINX App Protect 用户定义的签名等。
API 网关的现状
We examine the state of API gateways as the industry transitions from monolithic to microservices‑based apps, considering the challenges of hugely distributed app environments. We explore the role of API gateways in a service mesh and in hybrid clouds.
Microservices is one technology that is leading the march towards digital transformation in the world of application development. With their high performance and small footprint, NGINX and NGINX Plus are ideal for microservices, both as API gateways and Kubernetes Ingress controllers.
奥迪在 AWS 上将 NGINX Plus 作为 API 网关构建微服务仪表板
In his session at NGINX Conf 2018, Timo Stark of Audi shares how his team built the Audi Cockpit, a dashboard on which Audi employees access work apps. NGINX Plus serves as API gateway for the dashboard, which uses AWS-hosted microservices in Kubernetes-managed containers.
2017 年 NGINX 博客文章前 5 名 – NGINX Plus R12、微服务等等
Top 5 2017 blog posts: NGINX Plus Release 12, microservices, load balancing, security, and the NGINX Application Platform.
借助 NGINX 和信号科学保护微服务和 API
Signal Sciences helps secure APIs, and individual services in a microservices architecture, running over HTTP/HTTPS on NGINX