我们已经完成向 NGINX 现代应用参考架构 (MARA) 中添加可视性的第一阶段了。阅读本文了解我们选择 OpenTelemetry 作为我们的基础解决方案的过程和原因,以及我们是如何将它和其它解决方案集成从而实现可视性的七个方面的。
使用 NGINX JavaScript 模块进行诊断日志记录
我们展示了如何使用 NGINX JavaScript 模块捕获有关导致错误的请求的数据,并提供了足够的详细信息用于调试和故障排除,同时不让日志中充斥着有关未发生错误的请求信息。
NGINX 百问百答 | 2019 年 5 月
In this installment of our "Ask NGINX" series, we discuss UDP health checks, having NGINX Plus verify JWTs generated with Microsoft Active Directory, performing client certificate-based authentication for IIS servers, and obtaining metrics for website visits or page views.
借助 NGINX 基于条件的日志记录对请求进行采样
With NGINX conditional logging, you can log a subset of requests which have defined characteristics. This blog uses it to solve a real-world customer use case: the need to reject obsolete and insecure SSL/TLS ciphers without excluding legitimate users of legacy devices.
在 CDN77 上记录 NGINX 和上游(upstream)服务器之间的流量
When debugging traffic problems between NGINX and upstream servers, CDN77 couldn't get the data they needed except in the error log with debugging enabled, which slows performance and creates huge files. The team wrote a new custom module to log just the data they need.
利用 Splunk Enterprise 实现 NGINX 和 NGINX Plus 的智能运营
Get valuable operational intelligence from your NGINX logs and the NGINX Plus live activity monitoring API with the Add-On for Splunk Enterprise.
借助 NGINX 和 NGINX Plus 进行应用链路追踪
The new $request_id variable in NGINX Plus R10 enables you to trace request processing end-to-end, for improved application performance management
借助 NGINX 日志记录进行应用性能监控
Learn how to use the logging facility in NGINX and NGINX Plus for application performance monitoring (APM)