Agile development has become crucial to development and delivery of new software and new features. But hardware load balancers, with their complex configurations, block progress. A software load balancer - used with, or in place of, hardware - makes the whole delivery chain agile.
隆重推出用于 OpenShift Container Platform 3.10 的 NGINX 和 NGINX Plus Routers
Red Hat OpenShift is a container platform built on top of Kubernetes. It's available as an open source project, OpenShift Origin, and a commercially supported product, OpenShift Container Platform. You can now use NGINX and NGINX Plus as a Router within OpenShift.
2017 年 NGINX 博客文章前 5 名 – NGINX Plus R12、微服务等等
Top 5 2017 blog posts: NGINX Plus Release 12, microservices, load balancing, security, and the NGINX Application Platform.
在 All-Active、高可用的解决方案中部署 NGINX Plus 和 AWS 网络负载均衡器
NGINX has a recommended HA load balancing solution that works in combination with the new AWS Network Load Balancer.
NGINX 和物联网:为 MQTT 添加协议感知
Liam Crilly gets down with IoT, showing how to use NGINX and the MQTT protocol to manage traffic on the Internet of Things
使用 NGINX Plus 和 WURFL InFuze 进行负载均衡
ScientiaMobile provides a configuration file to quickly inject WURFL's device intelligence into NGINX Plus's application delivery logic
借助 NGINX、Chef 和 Consul 实现动态基础架构的负载均衡
Kevin Reedy, Infrastructure Architect at Belly, explains how the company combines NGINX, Chef, and Consul to dynamically load balance containers.
借助 NGINX 实现 TCP/UDP 负载均衡:概述、提示和技巧
Konstantin Pavlov of NGINX, Inc. explains how to get the most out of NGINX as a TCP and UDP load balancer, with many configuration examples and a demo.
将 NGINX Plus 部署为虚拟负载均衡器
With NGINX Plus as your virtual load balancer, you have the flexibility to choose the operating system, hypervisor, and cloud platform that suits your needs
借助 NGINX Plus 实现 AWS Auto Scaling 组的负载均衡
With the new nginx-asg-sync integration software, NGINX Plus can directly load balance AWS Auto Scaling groups, for even more flexible cloud load balancing