本文介绍了 NGINX App Protect Denial of Service (DoS) 如何通过实时调整缓解方法来抵御七层 DoS 攻击。通过创建一个包含正常用户行为和服务器健康状况的模型,NAP 可以通过模型的异常偏差发现攻击行为,并应用自定义的缓解特征库。
NGINX App Protect Denial of Service 阻止应用级 DoS 攻击
NGINX App Protect Denial of Service (DoS) protects your modern applications against sophisticated application-level (Layer 7) DoS attacks, including GET and POST flooding, Slowloris, Slow read, slow POST, Challenge Collapsar, NAT-disguised, and targeted SSL/TLS attacks.
NGINX Plus 和 Microsoft Azure 负载均衡器
To load balance applications in Microsoft Azure, you can choose NGINX Plus, Azure Load Balancer, or Azure Application Gateway. Explore their different sets of supported features, and learn how combining NGINX Plus with the Azure offerings gives you the best of both worlds.
将七层逻辑从 F5 iRules 和 Citrix Policies 迁移到 NGINX 和 NGINX Plus
Learn the NGINX equivalents for the Layer 7 logic in F5 iRules and Citrix policies, to do response rewriting and request routing, rewriting, and redirecting
对比谷歌云平台上的 NGINX Plus 和谷歌负载均衡器
Learn when to use NGINX Plus, the Google Compute Engine load balancers, or a combination for your applications running on the Google Cloud Platform
借助 NGINX 和 NGINX Plus 缓解 DDoS 攻击
Learn about the features in NGINX and NGINX Plus that make them a valuable part of a solution for DDoS attack mitigation.
网络与 DevOps:如何管理权限控制问题
Learn how a software-based approach to DevOps and network management eliminates control issues while improving performance, reliability, and efficiency
对比 AWS 上的 NGINX Plus 和 Amazon Elastic Load Balancing
Learn when to use NGINX Plus, Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), or both together to load balance your applications running in Amazon Web Services (AWS)
借助 NGINX Plus 实现反向代理
回顾“反向代理”的基本概念,并了解如何将 NGINX Plus 部署为 HTTP 反向代理,以及这样做的好处。
借助 NGINX Plus 取代 Cisco ACE
Learn how replacing a hardware appliance like Cisco ACE with NGINX Plus for load balancing can future-proof your environment