在使用 Amazon S3 和与 S3 兼容的对象存储时,把 NGINX 作为缓存反向代理部署在它们的前面会带来两个好处:NGINX 会缓存对去往对象存储的请求,同时还能防止对象存储中的内容意料之外地暴露给公网。阅读文章获得完整的安装和配置说明。
将 NGINX 或 NGINX Plus 与 Fortanix Self-Defending KMS 集成
With the Fortanix Self-Defending Key Management Service, you can offload TLS crytographic processing from your NGINX and NGINX Plus servers, and safely store your TLS keys for on-demand uploading into the NGINX Plus key-value store. We provide complete instructions for both use cases.
隆重推出 NGINX Plus R19
NGINX Plus R19 extends our monitoring capabilities, both with a larger set of metrics and new ways to analyze them; adds a dry-run mode for testing the effect of rate limiting; enhances the key-value store to support IP address ranges; and makes rate limiting more dynamic.
隆重推出 NGINX Plus R18
NGINX Plus R18 introduces dynamic loading of SSL/TLS certificates, enhances our OpenID Connect reference implementation, and supports port ranges for virtual servers. It also includes enhancements to the key-value store, health checks, NGINX Plus clustering, and the NGINX JavaScript module.
正式推出“NGINX 百问百答”栏目
In this inaugural post in our "Ask NGINX" series, we explain how to convert F5 BIG-IP iRules and Apache rewrite rules to NGINX syntax, use NGINX as an API gateway and NGINX Controller for full API lifecycle management, and implement blue-green deployment with NGINX.
隆重推出 NGINX Plus R16
NGINX Plus R16 is a single, elastic ingress and egress tier for applications, consolidating the functionality of a load balancer, API gateway, and WAF with new features like cluster‑aware rate limiting, key‑value store, Random with Two Choices, enhanced UDP load balancing, and more.
借助 NGINX Plus 和 NGINX JavaScript 模块实现 API 请求批处理
The NGINX JavaScript module released with NGINX Plus R15 supports subrequests, adding a whole new class of use cases for NGINX Plus. This complete example also uses the NGINX Plus API and Key-Value modules to convert client API requests to separate requests to the microservices APIs that make up an app.
使用 NGINX Plus 键值存储实现动态带宽限制
借助 NGINX Plus API 和键值存储(key-value store)功能,根据网站用户的服务级别设置不同的带宽限制。
借助 NGINX Plus 和 fail2ban 实现动态 IP 拒绝列表
We implement dynamic IP address-based denylisting using the NGINX Plus key-value store and fail2ban, which monitors log files for suspicious activity