当 NGINX 在 2019 年加入 F5 时,我们知道这是一个强强联手的选择。NGINX App Protect 就是一个很好的证明,它将 F5 可信且性能强劲的 WAF 引擎整合到一个可以轻松部署在任何环境的轻量级解决方案中,在提供强大保护的同时不会增加延迟。
在单一架构中部署 BIG-IP 和 NGINX Ingress Controller
我们的许多客户使用 F5 BIG - IP 部署 Kubernetes 集群的负载均衡,并使用 NGINX Ingress Controller 来处理集群的进出口流量。因此,为了更好的互操作性体验,我们开发了 IngressLink 来跟踪集群中的变化,以便 BIG-IP 能够更快地更新配置。
只需一个 POST:通过 F5 解决方案和 NGINX JavaScript 模块启用声明式 DNS
在此解决方案中,我们借助 NGINX Plus 的主动健康检查和键值存储来跟踪和存储跨多个站点的应用状态,并借助 NGINX JavaScript 根据状态更新由 BIG-IP DNS 和 DNS 负载均衡器云服务维护的 DNS 记录信息。
将 F5 BIG-IP 硬件负载均衡器迁移到 NGINX 软件的时机及方式
As enterprises adopt DevOps, frequent policy changes on hardware ADCs introduce risk and require testing by NetOps teams. Solve the problem by augmenting your ADCs with DevOps-friendly NGINX. Our resources will guide you as you research, evaluate, and implement NGINX.
正式推出“NGINX 百问百答”栏目
In this inaugural post in our "Ask NGINX" series, we explain how to convert F5 BIG-IP iRules and Apache rewrite rules to NGINX syntax, use NGINX as an API gateway and NGINX Controller for full API lifecycle management, and implement blue-green deployment with NGINX.
NGINX Conf 2018: Migrating Load-Balanced Services from F5 to NGINX Plus at AppNexus
F5 BIG-IP hardware was no longer performing well for digital advertising platform AppNexus. The company switched to NGINX Plus for load balancing and saved 95%. At NGINX Conf 2018, Ernesto Chaves of AppNexus explains how and why his team chose NGINX Plus.
将负载均衡器配置从 F5 和 Citrix 迁移到 NGINX Plus
Translating your F5 BIG-IP and Citrix NetScaler configurations to NGINX Plus is easy with our comprehensive Migration Guides.
将七层逻辑从 F5 iRules 和 Citrix Policies 迁移到 NGINX 和 NGINX Plus
Learn the NGINX equivalents for the Layer 7 logic in F5 iRules and Citrix policies, to do response rewriting and request routing, rewriting, and redirecting
Our latest ebook is Five Reasons to Switch to Software for Load Balancing. Replace slow, hard to manage hardware ADCs with software. Download your copy now.