Why are F5 and NGINX better together? Because now we can build an industry first: a coordinated set of technologies that span the entire application delivery path, from code running on app and web servers, through transport, security, and management services, to the end customer.
Agile development has become crucial to development and delivery of new software and new features. But hardware load balancers, with their complex configurations, block progress. A software load balancer - used with, or in place of, hardware - makes the whole delivery chain agile.
隆重推出 NGINX 和 NGINX Plus 通用 Ansible Role
A unified Ansible role for both NGINX Open Source and NGINX Plus is available on Ansible Galaxy, adding many features to the original separate roles.
2017 年 NGINX 产品路线图
Owen Garrett, Head of Products, introduces NGINX Unit, NGINX Controller, and the NGINX Application Platform
NGINX 的堆栈状态监测
StackState webserver monitoring helps you see the full picture of your NGINX webserver topology, including critical dependencies.
微服务的安全防护的实践 – 开发与运维
Owen Garrett, NGINX Head of Product, is interviewed in the TechTarget Microservices channel on secure application development and deployment.
借助 NGINX 和 NGINX Plus 构建的 CI/CD 系统
CI/CD is a modern approach to managing the entire application life cycle. Find out how NGINX and NGINX Plus can support your move to a CI/CD process.
利用 Splunk Enterprise 实现 NGINX 和 NGINX Plus 的智能运营
Get valuable operational intelligence from your NGINX logs and the NGINX Plus live activity monitoring API with the Add-On for Splunk Enterprise.
免费 O’Reilly 报告——获取使用 Java 和 Docker 实现持续交付的实用指南
Download this free O'Reilly report "Containerizing Continuous Delivery in Java" to learn how to combine battle-tested Java with Docker and DevOps methods.
借助 NGINX 和 NGINX Plus 实现 DevOps 自动化
Learn how to automate application deployment with NGINX and DevOps tools – for app updates, service discovery, orchestration, and push‑button deployments