NGINX App Protect DoS 借助 eBPF 和 XDT 在内核空间中强制执行规则并可以有效地阻止四层攻击,从而加速对于七层 DDoS 攻击的防御。
借助 NGINX App Protect Denial of Service 保护您的应用免受七层 DoS 攻击
针对七层应用逻辑的现代 DoS 攻击通常会被隐藏在加密渠道中,因此这些攻击很难被检测到。NGINX App Protect Denial of Service 可测量客户端行为以及服务器压力,从而可以检测并缓解七层 DoS 攻击。
NGINX App Protect 保护应用免受复杂的现代攻击
对于应用性能和应用安全领域来说,七层 DoS 攻击正在变得日益频繁。您需要能够轻松集成到您的基础设施和 CI/CD 流水线中并可以观察用户和应用行为的防护措施;并且即使是在攻击期间,理想的防护措施也不应该影响应用性能。
NGINX App Protect Denial of Service 如何适应不断演变的攻击态势
本文介绍了 NGINX App Protect Denial of Service (DoS) 如何通过实时调整缓解方法来抵御七层 DoS 攻击。通过创建一个包含正常用户行为和服务器健康状况的模型,NAP 可以通过模型的异常偏差发现攻击行为,并应用自定义的缓解特征库。
NGINX App Protect Denial of Service 阻止应用级 DoS 攻击
NGINX App Protect Denial of Service (DoS) protects your modern applications against sophisticated application-level (Layer 7) DoS attacks, including GET and POST flooding, Slowloris, Slow read, slow POST, Challenge Collapsar, NAT-disguised, and targeted SSL/TLS attacks.
NGINX 和 NGINX Plus 的速率限制功能
通过使用 NGINX 速率限制功能控制应用接收的请求,以保护您的应用免受过多流量(包括 DDoS 攻击)的影响。
隆重推出用于 NGINX Plus 的 NGINX ModSecurity WAF
The NGINX Plus with ModSecurity web application firewall (WAF) protects you from a broad range of security threats, including DDoS attacks, SQLi, and XSS.
2015 年假日阅读清单
Catch up on your reading with the five most read and shared blogs of 2015 from NGINX, Inc.
NGINX Plus R7 中的 TCP 负载均衡
Learn how NGINX Plus can secure and load balance your TCP‑based applications at a fraction of the cost of other solutions.
借助 NGINX 和 NGINX Plus 缓解 DDoS 攻击
Learn about the features in NGINX and NGINX Plus that make them a valuable part of a solution for DDoS attack mitigation.
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