有两种类型的可视化数据可以提供关于应用和 Kubernetes 性能的关键洞察。阅读本文了解 NGINX Ingress Controller 和 NGINX Service Mesh 内置的监控工具如何帮助您在诊断现实问题时提高可视性。
Monitor NGINX with the stub_status module, log files, NGINX Amplify, the NGINX Plus API module and dashboard, third-party plug-ins, and more.
监测 NGINX 和 NGINX Plus:NGINX 博客集锦
Get caught up on the great info on our blog about how to monitor NGINX and NGINX Plus: the built-in NGINX Plus dashboard, partner APM tools & NGINX Amplify
借助 NGINX 扩展 Web 应用,第 2 部分:缓存和监控
Learn from Matt Williams, Evangelist at Datadog, how to use the caching and monitoring features in NGINX and NGINX Plus to scale your web applications.
借助 NGINX 扩展 Web 应用,第 1 部分:负载均衡
Learn from Matt Williams, Evangelist at Datadog, how to use the load-balancing features in NGINX and NGINX Plus to scale your web applications.
应用性能管理和 NGINX
Learn about application performance management and how NGINX can help you gain visibility into the user experience.
监测 NGINX Plus 负载均衡指标
Datadog uses NGINX and chances are, you do too. You can use Datadog to monitor and report on activity from NGINX Plus' extended status.