When debugging traffic problems between NGINX and upstream servers, CDN77 couldn't get the data they needed except in the error log with debugging enabled, which slows performance and creates huge files. The team wrote a new custom module to log just the data they need.
了解如何消除疑虑并构建自己的 CDN
Jamie Panagos of Charter Communications explains why and how his team built their own CDN for video content caching. With his advice, you can too.
Has your site just been picked up by a popular news outlet? Suddenly you need to think about performance! Get some basic tips and learn how NGINX Plus can help
为什么 Netflix 选择 NGINX 作为其 CDN 的核心
Learn from NGINX developer Gleb Smirnoff why Netflix chose NGINX as the streaming media technology for its global content delivery network, Open Connect
Netflix 微服务采用经验:架构设计
Learn design principles and best practices for microservices architecture from Adrian Cockcroft, former lead Cloud Architect at Netflix
为什么 MaxCDN 选择借助 NGINX 来实现内容交付
A NGINX CDN has many advantages for performance, reliability, and scalability. Learn why MaxCDN choose NGINX for content delivery solution.