了解 NGINX 开源版和 NGINX Plus 中主动和被动健康检查的工作原理,以及他们最适合哪些用例。
借助 NGINX Ingress Controller 的 Deep Service Insight 改善决策
借助 Deep Service Insight,Kubernetes 集群外部的负载均衡器能够获得集群的健康状况信息,从而以最佳的方式将流量传输至 Service Pod。
隆重推出 NGINX Plus R27
NGINX Plus R27 的全新增强特性包括:用于健康检查的 keepalive 连接、对于 Kernel TLS 的支持、更多 TLS 指标、自定义 JWT 验证失败时的错误代码等等。
借助 TCP 负载均衡和 Galera 集群扩展 MySQL
在 Galera 集群中的 MySQL 节点的 TCP 负载均衡可以利用 NGINX Plus 的高级功能,包括高可用、健康检查、日志记录和监控功能。我们还用 NGINX JavaScript 提取请求和响应数据包里的内容,以记录每个客户端请求的 SQL 方法。
NGINX Plus 和 Microsoft Azure 负载均衡器
To load balance applications in Microsoft Azure, you can choose NGINX Plus, Azure Load Balancer, or Azure Application Gateway. Explore their different sets of supported features, and learn how combining NGINX Plus with the Azure offerings gives you the best of both worlds.
NGINX 百问百答 | 2019 年 5 月
In this installment of our "Ask NGINX" series, we discuss UDP health checks, having NGINX Plus verify JWTs generated with Microsoft Active Directory, performing client certificate-based authentication for IIS servers, and obtaining metrics for website visits or page views.
隆重推出 NGINX Plus R18
NGINX Plus R18 introduces dynamic loading of SSL/TLS certificates, enhances our OpenID Connect reference implementation, and supports port ranges for virtual servers. It also includes enhancements to the key-value store, health checks, NGINX Plus clustering, and the NGINX JavaScript module.
NGINX Plus 健康检查和 Docker 容器带来的更多乐趣
Rick Nelson polishes his health check & Docker container solution from nginx.conf and provides a working example with NGINX Unit.
妙用 NGINX Plus 和 Docker 健康检查
How you can use the active health checks in NGINX Plus when you need to worry about system resources, when you’re running in containers
借助 NGINX 实现 TCP/UDP 负载均衡:概述、提示和技巧
Konstantin Pavlov of NGINX, Inc. explains how to get the most out of NGINX as a TCP and UDP load balancer, with many configuration examples and a demo.