我们展示了如何使用 NGINX Unit 构建应用堆栈,从而使用定制的语言运行时版本以及特定的库、模块和扩展来实现生产环境的自动化部署。示例应用为部署在 Docker 容器中的 WordPress。
Application development & delivery are continuing to change rapidly as agile principles are applied more thoroughly and to all parts of the overall process. Chris Stetson identifies three principles that guide modern application development: keep it small; design for the developer; and make it networked.
Agile development has become crucial to development and delivery of new software and new features. But hardware load balancers, with their complex configurations, block progress. A software load balancer - used with, or in place of, hardware - makes the whole delivery chain agile.
借助 NGINX 最大限度地提高 Drupal 8 的性能,第 1 部分:架构和配置
This is the first half of our webinar, showing how to deploy and configure NGINX and Drupal 8 application for maximum performance.