NGINX, part of F5, offers training so you can get the most out of your NGINX ecosystem. Courses are available across different experience and skill levels, from NGINX fundamentals to advanced load balancing, advanced caching, security, and more.
The State of Modern App Delivery 2020 in the NGINX Open Source Community
Check out this infographic for key takeaways from our NGINX user survey about the state of app delivery in 2020: the rising dominance of microservices and containers, the most popular associated technologies, and the challenges faced by app delivery professionals.
NGINX Plus and AWS
NGINX and Amazon have partnered to provide high-performance application delivery solutions for AWS applications. From self-service provisioning to turnkey environments, NGINX Plus helps you get the most from your AWS applications.
High Performance, Cloud-Native Apps with AWS and NGINX
NGINX and Amazon Web Services provide high-performance application delivery solutions for AWS services. From self-service provisioning to turnkey environments, our offerings help you migrate your apps, integrate your environments, and automate your toil.
更快、更安全的 API 助您轻松扩展数字业务
NGINX Controller 的 API 管理模块将 NGINX Plus 作为 API 网关的原有功能和高效率的特性,与新的控制层功能结合在一起。
High-Performance Application Delivery with Red Hat and NGINX
Optimize your application delivery infrastructure with seamless integration of the NGINX Application Platform with some of the most popular Linux, automation, and container platforms: Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.
NGINX App Protect
NGINX App Protect 兼具高级 F5 WAF 技术的有效性与 NGINX Plus 的敏捷性和高性能。该解决方案在 NGINX Plus 原生实例上运行,可解决现代 DevOps 环境面临的一些严峻挑战。
NGINX Plus 建立在 NGINX 开源之上,是唯一一款多合一 负载均衡器、Web 服务器、缓存及 API 网关。
在裸机服务器上部署 NGINX Plus 的选型指南
在特定服务器大小上运行的 NGINX Plus 可以实现的性能级别(HTTP RPS、SSL TPS、吞吐量),并详细说明了实现 NGINX Plus 不同性能水平所需的硬件规格,以及该硬件的典型成本。
NGINX Application Platform
The NGINX Application Platform helps reduce complexity by consolidating common functions down to far fewer components – in many cases, down to a single piece of software. Streamline your application stack and begin migrating to a modern, microservices-based architecture.